When pipework has been installed within new build developments, it’s essential for building contractors to test that pipework prior to handover.
Water escapes or leaks have been a common problem for contractors when handing over projects, particularly for high end apartments and housing. Water damage caused by leaks can cause considerable damage to finished works. And the remediation costs are also high for both the main contractor and installer. So it’s imperative that all measures are taken to mitigate water escapes, prior to completing a project.
Mechanical and plumbing contractors usually conduct a cold water pressure test (normally up to to 10 bar of pressure) to check for leaks within the systems that have been installed. Cold water is used to test low temperature hot water (LTHW) and hot water pipework.
However, the problem with this approach is that the LTHW and domestic hot water pipework is not subjected to expand and contract as it would if hot water was circulating around the system.
So it’s not until later (once hot water is available) and circulating, that leaks are detected. Usually after the fabric of the building has advanced to finished walls, ceilings and decorations.
In some unfortunate cases, it’s not until later on that leaks are detected, which subsequently results in further additional costs for the contractor. Damage can vary from small leaks through to ceilings collapsing and mould growth developing. Factor in the significant costs for remedial and reinstatement works that will be required and the financial repercussions can rise into the thousands. As a result of insurance claims, premiums will inevitably also increase for the end user and contractor.

So it’s clear that not testing thoroughly for leaks can be disastrous to the building but also to the reputation of the contractor in question. The financial impact of not conducting a robust pipework testing process can be huge for building contractors.
So how can Rapid Energy help mitigate water leaks within your testing process?
Hire Temporary Electric Boilers
Rapid Energy’s temporary electric boilers are trolley mounted, making them easy to manoeuvre in a construction environment. Builders or operatives can easily position these units to wherever they’re required. Installation is also very simple, they can be plugged straight into a building’s manifold using either a single or three phase supply (dependent on capacity), providing instant hot water.
Under the right supervision, the temperature can be increased in small increments, gradually over time during the testing process. Allowing contractors to locate leaks in hot water services, prior to further works being carried out or handover of the project. Potentially saving time, resource and money.
Electric boilers can be a great solution to supply instant hot water and to test new and existing pipework.
Our range of electric boilers start from 15kW capacity, up to 40kW and can be hired as single or multiple units, depending on project requirements. Short and long term hire is available from Rapid Energy, contact us today on 0800 464 7025.